Wednesday 11 May 2011

Severed Hand

Holding on to the severed hand of a man
you only met today but took an instant
dislike to - sound of the voice and false
wave of the hair - there is a sense that the
amputation was an overreaction, a brutal
riposte to his unwelcome demeanour that
might have been better addressed with
words or a simple, aloof body language.
But who can be wise in the white heat of revenge
Macbeth once put it sharper than this
and when any kind of action seems the only
reply in a world full of terrorists?
If gunships can strafe shadows on the ground
this rough handshake is justice just as sound.


  1. Another powerful and brutally honest piece. I particularly like the image "who can be wise in the white heat of revenge" as it is such a human reaction yet one which many, I suspect, would not readily admit to. Are these part of a new collection? They definitely should be. T x

  2. Thanks again - appreciated. I have been writing a significant series of sonnets for some time now and this is one of those. A few have been published online - I must try to get them out there more widely.

  3. A sonnet? Just because its got 14 lines and a rhyming couplet at the end.
    Don't make me laugh!
    Love the sentiment though.
    As sweet and succulent a morsel as ever a cannibal devoured.
